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Clear Aligners for Teens
Boise, ID

Smiling teen holding her clear aligners from her Boise dentist at Water's Edge DentalMore and more, teens are asking for clear aligners instead of traditional braces. Customized aligner are changing the face of orthodontics. Your teen can get the orthodontic work needed easier, faster and with fewer office visits, all while eating their normal diet. Clear aligners, like Clear Correct are ideal for teens who play sports and instruments. They can simply remove the device while engaging in their extracurricular activities and then replace the device when their activities are completed. The option to remove their dental appliance is a relief to teens, brackets, and wires can be frustrating, and in some cases painful, when engaging in extracurricular options.

Increasingly, studies are showing that clear aligners are a good option for not only simple changes, but even moderate bite disorders. When worn for the appropriate amount of time, and with consistency, adults and teens alike can make a significant change to their smile. Though aligners are a large expense at one time, the costs comparison for dental aligners and the long term payments of traditional bracket system are fairly comparable, plus you get the ease of wearing a clear and removable device.

Wearing metal brackets and wires can be emotionally difficult for some teens. Studies have shown that many parents underestimate just how self-conscious their teens are about their teeth, both in having a bad bite and in wearing traditional metal braces. With dental aligners, Dr. Geoffrey Herzog and can help your teen have a look they want, without the metal.

Are aligners a good option for my teenager?

Yes! Dental Aligners are a good option for teens! Increasingly, we are recommending teenagers who are seeking orthodontic treatment to consider clear dental aligners. Aligners offer many benefits for your teens including:
•  Aligners are designed to allow extra space for your teens erupting teeth: Many teenagers who are seeking orthodontic treatment are still growing teeth. At Water's Edge Dental, we have taken their still growing and changing mouths into consideration. As your teens new molars erupt, we have allowed for adjustments in the aligner to guide these new teeth into position, helping the new teeth have better alignment.
•  The Ability to be Removed: Whether your teen plays sports and worries about a ball scraping their cheeks cutting the soft tissue along the brackets, or plays an instrument and worries that the sound will be altered due to brackets at wires, with aligners, the dental appliance can be removed. Though we want your teen to wear their aligner as much as possible, the ability to remove the device can be a huge bonus in their daily activities.
•  Aligners not only move teeth but can move roots: Your teens dental aligner is designed to shift and guide tooth roots, not just the tooth. Moving the tooth roots will help your teen have straighter teeth.

Additional Resources

Check out these additional orthodontic resources:

Scheduling An Appointment

If you have any additional questions about clear aligners, give us a call at (208) 391-8554 for more information or to schedule an appointment and start your path to happy healthy straightened teeth

6657 N. Glenwood Street
Boise, ID 83714-1925

Monday: 8:00 am–5:00 pm
Tuesday: 8:00 am–5:00 pm
Wednesday: 7:00 am–4:00 pm
Thursday: 8:00 am–5:00 pm
Friday: 7:00 am–12:00 pm

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Clear Aligners Teens Boise, ID | Water's Edge Dental - Dentist
More and more, teens are asking for clear aligners instead of traditional braces. Customized aligner are changing the face of orthodontics. Your teen can get the orthodontic work needed easier, faster and with fewer office visits.
Water's Edge Dental, 6657 N. Glenwood Street, Boise, ID 83714-1925 | (208) 391-8554 | | 2/6/2025 | Key Phrases: orthodontics Boise ID |