Danger of Not Fixing a Tooth You Can Tell Has Cracked
Posted on 4/10/2020 by Water's Edge Dental
A cracked tooth is a very serious matter in the dental world. Like a fractured rib, if left untreated, there are major consequences that can ensue. It is understandable why someone might blow off scheduling an appointment to get the issue taken care of; life gets busy and people have plans. However, this is something that should not go untreated.
How Bad Can It Get?
For some people, toughing through a cracked tooth and simply ignoring it is an option they choose. The problem with doing this is that leaving a fractured tooth untreated will lead to the issue getting worse. For one, the tooth can get infected due to the inside of the tooth being exposed to bacteria. Another consequence is that the crack will worsen over time, which can lead to the tooth needing to be extracted.
How a Cracked Tooth Gets Treated
Fortunately, there are treatments that will help a cracked tooth in many instances. We can fill the crack in the tooth with a plastic resin or use a crown to fit over the tooth. In more extreme cases, performing a root canal is an option. Not all teeth can be saved, but we definitely will go out of our way to do what we can to save every tooth we possibly can.
It is important to get cracks treated early on so that the fix will be easy and without much sacrifice. Failure to get treatment for a damaged tooth will eventually lead to getting it extracted once there is no saving it. Common ways people end up receiving a fracture are if they had a sports or a car accident, bit something that was too hard, used their teeth as tools or suffer from tooth decay. If you have a small fracture in your tooth, give us a call and schedule an appointment before things get any worse!
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